INTRODUCTION OF PURE HERITAGE CULTURE :The Heritage culture of the Himalayan region, in fact, is a pure traditional culture. Traditional culture is enriched with the fundamental elements of Vedic arts, incorporating both Vedic and divine aspects, and has nurtured classical music. 

The identification of pure traditional culture lies in its use of Kutap instruments and rhythms based on traditional folk songs. These are the fundamental elements of Vedic arts, originating from the Shiva Sutras and developed through the science of prosody, forming a tradition that is the cradle of human civilization and values, worthy of global reverence.PURE HERITAGE CULTURE HISTORY ALSO TELLS 

This culture has been nurtured and preserved by divine powers, sages, ascetics, and celestial musicians over the ages. Prior to the colonial era in India, the study and training of this culture took place in universities and Gurukuls. Unfortunately, even after gaining independence.

Civilized language or dialect, civilized cuisine, civilized attire, civilized lifestyle, discipline, character, and art in life are all part of our culture, inspiring us to be cultured and refined.

In 1992, an organization was formed to research, train, and preserve the principles of pure traditional culture. The registration of this organization was carried out at the SDM office  Solan Himachal Pardesh In INDIA . The Saragam  kala manch is located in Nouni, Solan.

Through this forum, research has been conducted to establish the authenticity of pure traditional culture, and practical training has been provided to youth by teaching them. All over India, through the medium of NZCC and other cultural centers, the folk culture of Solan district has been showcased, providing self-employment opportunities to youth.

Training in this culture has been imparted to students in universities, colleges, and branches of the Ministry of Culture of the Government of India, through our forum, with a focus on authenticity and the traditional elements of Vedic arts. This allows students of music to showcase their culture based on the authenticity of the fundamental elements of Vedic arts. This ensures that the precious government funds are not wasted on cultures that are merely myths, with no historical basis.


HISTORY OF PURE HERITAGE CULTURE of Sanskrit culture has a deep-rooted history. The concise and authenticated history of the origin of the Shiva Sutras is found in Nandikeshwarkashika. The following verse, authored by Maharaja Nandikeshwara, sheds light on the genesis of the Shiva Sutras:

“At the conclusion of the dance, Lord Nataraja sounded the damaru fourteen times. From this emerged the Shiva Sutras, consisting of vowels, consonants, numbers, prosody, grammar, and the elements of language.”

Maharaja Nandikeshwara was the guru of Thirumal, Vyaghrapada, Patanjali, Panini Maharaja, and Shiva Yoga Munis. There are many pieces of evidence supporting the preservation and compilation of the Shiva Sutras. However, the expansiveness of the Shiva Sutras has no parallel in Chandas Shastra. If there were no sounds, short vowels, mathematical digits, vowels, and consonants, how would the Guru’s creation of sounds, the expansion of Chandas, and the formation of poetry occur? How would the structure of other Shastras be possible?

The Shiva Sutras are a profound and integral part of Sanskrit heritage, and their origins are deeply rooted in history. The work of Maharaja Nandikeshwara provides invaluable insights into the emergence and significance of the Shiva Sutras. The Shiva Sutras encompass various aspects of language and knowledge, including sounds, prosody, grammar, and numerical elements. The Guru’s role in shaping the structure of these sounds and elements is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of phonetics and linguistics in ancient Indian culture.


The existence and study of the Shiva Sutras offer a unique perspective on the development of language, poetry, and Shastras, showcasing the rich cultural and intellectual heritage of Sanskrit. Maharaja Nandikeshwara’s contributions continue to inspire scholars and enthusiasts in understanding the profound significance of the Shiva Sutras in the broader context of ancient Indian knowledge systems.

The pure heritage of Sanskrit culture –  Human civilization and the origin of these values are intrinsically tied to a culture that is not only the fate of the deities but exclusively belongs to humankind. To embrace these values, the divine avatars repeatedly incarnated on Earth. 

It is for the preservation and reverence of this noble culture that Indian heroes and heroines raised the slogan of “Vande Mataram” and selflessly sacrificed themselves in the struggle for independence from April 20, 1857, to 1947, in opposition to the British government’s atrocities. 

However, even after gaining independence, the restoration of the pure heritage culture has not yet occurred. Lord Macaulay’s calculated conspiracy, designed to break the backbone of India’s spiritual and cultural traditions, was ensured on February 2, 1835. Therefore, this venerable culture is now challenging the oppression of Westernization, even on the crossroads of debauchery.


The legacy of this rich culture still awaits restoration. Lord Macaulay’s sinister plan to dismantle India’s spiritual and cultural heritage in 1835 continues to have a lasting impact. Today, this culture stands as a beacon of resistance against the vulgarity of Westernization. 

It is a culture that is not only revered but also seeks protection against the erosions of time. The divine avatars, in their wisdom, understood the significance of these values for human evolution. This culture represents the essence of human civilization and continues to inspire those who recognize its profound worth. Its restoration remains a noble endeavor, a return to the roots of an enduring heritage that has the power to shape the destiny of humanity.



CORE VALUES OF PURE HERITAGE CULTURE :The Fundamental Elements of Vedic Arts. The pure heritage of Sanskrit culture is identified by four categories of instruments, known as “Kutap,” which are profound musical instruments that awaken divine energies through their vibrations. These are our national and divine musical instruments, and they find utility in all ceremonies, hence they are also referred to as “Sanskari Vadya.” 

They are also our folk instruments, and through them, the tradition of rhythms based on verses, called “Dankas,” is showcased, representing our culture. These instruments have evolved from the science of Chanda Shastra. These are the core values of pure heritage culture  .

It is my research principle that Chanda, a term for meter in poetry, is synonymous with rhythm. It has five categories, and it is through these five categories of rhythm that the music of Navgat, which consists of nine rhythmic patterns, is demonstrated. The tradition of Navgat rhythms is linked to the worship and adoration of nine celestial bodies in the universe.

These rhythms are the backbone of our cultures and music. In fact, it is from the five categories of rhythm and the mysteries of metronomes that the Metronome software has been developed, which is used worldwide for recording music through computers. 

Furthermore, by transcribing Navgat rhythms into the style of “Dankas,” the similarities and differences between the two styles are presented for the first time in my book. In the tradition of Navgat rhythms, examples are provided from both styles, showcasing the development of classical music from Lok Gaathas, which are folk narratives featuring four planetary gods. 

This presentation simplifies the study and performance of music for students. The principle of connecting the pure heritage of Sanskrit culture with modern scientific technology is only published in my book. The authenticity of the pure heritage culture will guide students in research, practice, training, performance, and preservation in the future.

This approach challenges Lord Macaulay’s calculated conspiracy to break the backbone of India’s spiritual and cultural traditions, which was ensured on February 2, 1835. The restoration of the pure heritage culture is essential for safeguarding the noble traditions of our civilization. 

The mysteries of rhythms and the traditions of Navgat rhythms, presented through these instruments, hold immense significance. They represent a bridge between our ancient culture and modern technological advancements, a bridge that can help us connect our roots to a promising future. The restoration of the pure heritage culture is not only a challenge to the past but a promise to the generations to come, ensuring that the profound wisdom of our heritage continues to illuminate the path of knowledge and creativity. THESE ARE THE CORE VALUES OF PURE HERITAGE CULTURE 


Members of the organization,
The President of Saragam Kala Manch, Solan, Mr. Jiyalal Thakur, Vice President Mr. Pavan Sharma, Treasurer Mr. Jagdeep Kanwar, Secretary Mr. Ravi Joshi, Legal Advisor Mr. Kuldeep Thakur, and Ms. Nidhi Sharma, Members Mr. Devdatt Sharma and Mr. Deviram.



MISSION OF PURE HERITAGE CULTURE :The objectives of the organization include the preservation of pure heritage culture through the study, training, recognition, encouragement, and promotion of it. It aims to promote environmental conservation and provide skill training to youth for self-employment. Furthermore, the organization strives to make civil entertainment available, inspiring society with the values of human civilization and ethics, and opposing corrupt, uncivilized, and obscene culture.

This effort is geared towards providing inspiration and a message of refinement to our youth and future generations. The establishment of Gurukuls to offer free training in pure heritage culture to all school students, from primary school to university, is one of the organization’s goals.

The organization also intends to create Vedic botanical gardens and, wherever possible, install planetary gardens in all schools for environmental conservation. By establishing these gardens, it aims to connect students with the rich Vedic heritage of plant life and celestial bodies. Overall, the organization is committed to fostering a sense of cultural and environmental responsibility among the youth, offering them opportunities for self-sufficiency, and promoting the values and ethos of pure heritage culture in society.